You Could Have Bought an Invitation to a Timeshare Presentation off of Amazon in 2012

What’s cool about this
A few days ago, I accidentally clicked the “last” button on my Gmail account in the promotions tab. It took me back to roughly 2010 when I had first opened the Gmail account. I was still in high school then.
Sitting in my inbox was this little gem that I didn’t open way back then. Amazon used to have a marketing program called Amazon Local where they attempted to provide marketing services for local businesses that would be broadcasting special promotions to Amazon email subscribers and their local areas.
This advertisement smells like an invitation to a timeshare presentation. When resorts have amazing travel deals, they come with some strings attached. Sometimes, those strings are timeshare presentations.
This particular resort is not known to be a timeshare property but sometimes hotels are known to play host to vacation clubs and receive a cut of whatever they bring in. It’s about 30% usually and the hotel gets to keep whatever additional revenue just bring them during their stay. It’s a solid win for the vacation club because they can leverage the hotel’s existing resources to enhance their presentation and they can acquire leads fairly inexpensively.
I cannot say if this actually led people to a timeshare presentation but one thing is true—Amazon is the everything store.
About this creative
Category: Travel
Company: Amazon
Advertising Format: Email
Country: United States